Zip Sheathing

Updated: Jul 21, 2021

Zip Sheathing & Tape – An Energy Efficient Structural Wall System for your Home

Dynasty Partners is always researching the latest building products and practices to set it apart from other Des Moines Home Builders. In this article we are proud to share information about the zip wall sheathing and tape that Dynasty Homes began using in 2014. The Zip system sheathing & tape system is a one-of-a-kind structural wall system with a built in energy efficient barrier that keeps moisture out and reduces air leakage while still allowing panels to properly dry.

Over the years, you have probably seen many homes with traditional house wrap, such as Tyvek etc. The zip system eliminates the need for this wrap as the sheathing has a built in vapor permeable water resistive barrier. As stated by Huber Engineered Woods, owner of Zip, “the system sheathing and tape protects against water intrusion while still allowing the panels to properly dry, while also forming a tight barrier against unwanted air leakage, for a durable building envelope that promotes energy efficiency and increases interior comfort.

The system is not only better for our clients, but offers faster installation and less damage during the construction process compared to traditional house wrap.
